Cub Dive ( Zulu ) 26th August
St Sampson Marina Saint Sampson Harbour, St Sampson, Guernsey, United KingdomOut for a nice drift dive on Anfre Min cert OW ropes off at 09:30 if you are hiring kit I will meet you at the boat @ 08:45 just […]
Out for a nice drift dive on Anfre Min cert OW ropes off at 09:30 if you are hiring kit I will meet you at the boat @ 08:45 just […]
Out for a Drift dive on the East coast , it is always nice to dive,possibly Anfrey. If you need kit hire please use the link Kit Hire Meet St Sampson […]
Weather permitting we will be exploring the South Coast of Guernsey, there are many dive sites on the South coast that we simply do not dive enough. You will need to bring packed lunches and drinks and possibly something warm to wear between dives. 2 x dives so you will need 2 cylinders each, if […]
Bring your catch bag if you fancy some scallops if not just enjoy the Drift
Weather permitting this will be a simple but exciting night dive in Havelet bay, we will meet at St Sampsons marina opposite the Dragon restaurant. Previous experience in night diving helpful but not essential we all need our first night dive after all. A full briefing will be given and Zulu will be well lit […]
Our night dive on the 7th sold out very quickly so he is another chance to dive Havelet bay in the dark, In the past we have seen lots of life at night in Havelet Bay including Red Mullet feeding on the sea bed and making good use of our torch beam in search for […]
Our night dive on the 7th sold out very quickly so he is another chance to dive Havelet bay in the dark, In the past we have seen lots of life at night in Havelet Bay including Red Mullet feeding on the sea bed and making good use of our torch beam in search for […]
Come and join us on this night dive at Rousse one of the best night dives in the Guernsey , Rousse is full of life and we have the amazing sea grass meadow to explore at night. The weather forecast at the moment is looking perfect. You will need a primary torch and a back […]
A gentle drift nice and easy on the East coat of Guernsey, meet Zulu at 13:00 opposite the Dragon Restaurant south side of the bridge. MIN cert OW If you […]
Come and join us on this night dive at Rousse one of the best night dives in the Guernsey , Rousse is full of life and we have the amazing […]
Dive type: Boat Number of dives: 1 Minimum certification required: Padi Advanced Open Water Diver Meeting at: St Sampson's Marina opposite the Dragon restaurant . Notes: Ropes off @ 17:30 […]
Dive type: Boat Number of dives: 2 A day out diving the waters of the beautiful Isle of Sark, Sark is only 7 nautical miles East of Guernsey and as the the seabed drops off quit quickly in many places and is mainly rock and bolder the viz is often the best found in the […]